You must update your Voter Registration if you have moved, had a name change, or wish to change parties.
Register or Update:
NOW through October 21
online or at the Auditor's Office .
If you are unsure about your registration status, click here,
If you miss the deadline above, you may also register in person on Election Day. Visit Here for a list of what to bring with you to register at the poll.
NOW to October 21:
1 - Submit Absentee Ballot Request Form
Get a form online or at the Auditor's Office and complete, sign, and mail or deliver in person by October 21.
October 16 to November 5:
2 - Return Absentee Ballot
Complete, sign, and return your official ballot by mail or at the Auditor's Office BETWEEN THE DATES ABOVE. Mailed Ballots must be received NO LATER THAN NOV. 5 to be counted.
3 - Track Your Absentee Ballot HERE
If you have any issues, contact or visit the Auditor's Office at 319-356-6004
4 - If you decide to vote in person, TAKE YOUR ABSENTEE BALLOT WITH YOU.
More Information and Forms Here:
Vote Early in Person
Starts October 16
Johnson Country Auditors Office
or at a Satellite Polling Station with dates & times TBA.
November 5, 2024
Poll Hours: TBA
Find Your Polling Place
Note: your polling place may have changed.
NOW to 10/21:
- Register to Vote
- Update Registration
- Request Absentee Ballot
10/16 to 11/5 - Return Absentee Ballot RECEIVED by Auditor no later than 11/5
(Do not send request form or absentee ballot earlier than these dates)
10/16 - In Person Early Voting Begins
11/5 - Election Day Voting
Get basic voting information here:
Location &
Mailing Address:
913 S Dubuque St
Iowa City IA 52240
First Floor
Phone: 319-356-6004
Hours: Monday - Friday,
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Closed on Labor Day
Visit this page for more information:
The November 5th election will determine about the future of America and stability in our world. Please support and vote for GOP candidates up and down the ballot.